Rodent Control

AF Snappa Mouse Box (Pack of 15)

AF Snappa Mouse Box (Pack  of 15)

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AF Snappa Mouse Box (Pack of 15)

£25.00 ex VAT
In stockIn stock
Shipped from UKShipped from UK
The AF Snappa Mouse Box is a mouse bait station designed to trap mice using a Snap-E mouse trap so that the body of mouse is not visible once trapped.
Features of the AF Snappa Mouse Bait Station
  • a mouse bait station designed to trap mice using a Snap-E mouse trap so that the body of mouse is not visible once trapped, discreet for food areas
  • see-through lid available
  • fingers cant get inside the box - added safety
  • a label can be affixed to the inside of lid - aiding record keeping
  • inspection slot enables you to see at a glance if the trap has been activated - ideal for inspections
  • fits onto the AF Shoe and AF Insect Monitor
  • takes the Snap-E mouse trap (not included) as well as bait blocks using bait block rods (optional extra)
Supplied in cases of:
  • 15 AF Snappa stations
  • 20 Inspection labels
  • 1 AF Plastic key
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