CropCool Cabled

CropCool Fan Hub (4 Fan)

CropCool Fan Hub (4 Fan)

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CropCool Fan Hub (4 Fan)

Please call us on 01452 741112 to enquire
A ready to use 3phase fan starting system and differential temperature controller to automate the running of 4 3phase fans speeding up grain cooling times and saving running costs.
The FanHub is a full fan starting and control system including overloads and circuit protection that just needs a 32amp 3ph input and can run up to 4 3phase fans (max load 2.2kw per output). The system is controlled by one of our CropCool differential controllers.

CropCool™ constantly compares ambient air temperature to your grain temperature, and will use every available opportunity to reduce your grain temperatures while ensuring efficient energy use keeping costs down. CropCool only runs fans when Ambient Air is cooler than the crop, 4-6oC lower is recommended. The fans will only run when they are actually going to cool the crop efficiently. There will be no danger of drawing warm air through the crop. Using a CropCool controller Saves 40% electricity on unnecessary fan running (HGCA research)

Crop temperature is measured with a 2m fiberglass temperature probe (supplied) with a 20m extension cable to connect it back to the CropCool controler. With the air being measured by a sensor on a 4m cable.

Humidity sensing can be added to turn fans off above set level. Minimum crop temperatures, run times and time clock settings can also be used.

Technical specifications
  • Input: 415v ac 32amp 3ph input (5 pin 32amp plug)
  • Output: Four 16amp 3ph plugs (4pin) to run up to four fans (maximum motor size 2.2Kw) with staged starting.
  • 2m Crop temperature probe with 2m cable (extensions available)
  • 20m extension for temperature probe
  • 4m cable probe for Air temperature.
  • LCD display to show;
    • Crop and Air Temperatures (includes Max & Min)
    • Fan Run Hours
    • Time (including fan timer)
    • Humidity (optional)
  • Keypad to change settings and display.
  • Full Laminated instructions
I have more than 4 fans, do I need to buy 2?

We can make bespoke FanHubs to run any number of fans (subject to power supply) Please contact us for further information

Do I need to have humidity control?

In most cases it is not necessary to have humidity control for running low volume ventilation (pedestal) fans. Even if the air is damp or it’s raining outside it is hard to ‘re-wet’ grain once dry. The volume of air being moved through the crop by the fans cannot hold enough moisture to make much difference. It is also worth noting that moisture will always pass from a warm place to a cold place and not the other way. If a CropCool controller is used, the fan will only turn on when the air is cooler then the grain, so damp air or not, the moisture will not pass from the air to the grain.

I want humidity control, how do I get it?

 If you want to use the RH function of the CropCool then it can be supplied with a Humidity sensor when purchased, or can be easily retro-fitted by customers to an existing CropCool
Download the CropCool Instructions (PDF, 322KB - opens in new window)
Do get in touch with us if you would like us to help you or if you have any questions about our services and products.

Call us on 01452 741 112 or email