Soil Nutrient Testing

DM5 Soil pH Meter

DM5 Soil pH Meter
DM5 Soil pH Meter

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DM5 Soil pH Meter

£120.00 ex VAT
In stockIn stock
Shipped from UKShipped from UK

Excellent value, compact and very easy to use pH meter, with carrying case.



A useful tool for assisting with lime spreading requirements and for an instant check to assess problem pHs. This analogue tester uses the negative/positive charge in the soil clay particles, so requires no corroding batteries.

Any field pH meter should be backed up by laboratory testing where more precise readings are required. Due to huge variations in soil types, moisture levels etc., we have not found any reason to replace DM-5 with more advanced digital pH meters.

Technical specifications
  • Scale : pH 3½ - 8/moisture 0-100%
  • Accuracy : 10%
  • Size/weight : 160 x 50 mm/170grams
Comes with instructions, carrying case and sampling pot for dry soils.
Why should I consider an Analogue pH meter compared to Digital pH Meters which claim far greater accuracy?

Digital units only measure the pH of the water in the soil, using a small glass probe (dipped into a mixture of Soil & water)When DM-5 inserted into the soil (at appropriate Moisture levels), the DM-5 has a good soil contact surfaces allowing soil assessment as opposed to just water in the soil.
Download the DM5 pH Meter Manual (PDF, 47KB - opens in new window)
Do get in touch with us if you would like us to help you or if you have any questions about our services and products.

Call us on 01452 741 112 or email

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