Farmers need to have completed their Grants Purchases (Paid & Received) for their desired products by 10th January 2025 Please do call us for any advice.
The unique SinarGrainPro simultaneously measures the capacitance, weight and temperature of the sample and displays an accurate moisture, hectolitre weight and sample temperature on the display.
Simply pour the sample into the measurement bowl, press 2 buttons and the GrainPro displays the results in approximately 6 seconds. The unique technology allows you to measure samples with the minimum of preparation and has no detrimental effect on the sample tested. Simply pour in and pour back out again. With the optional bulk density cylinder accessory, the SinarGrainPro will also display accurate specific weight readings in kg/hl or lb/bu.
The SinarGrainPro comes ready calibrated for Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, Beans, Linseed, Oilseed and Rye but can store calibration data for up to 25 commodities allowing it to be tailored to the customer’s exact requirements. A large catalogue of calibrations has been built up and refined over the past 20 years allowing the SinarGrainPro to deliver fast accurate results for hundreds of diverse applications. It’s easy to read alphanumeric display means that switching from measuring one commodity to another is as simple as choosing from a list
Technical specification
Accuracy: Typically 0.3 STD for %mc and 1.0 kg/hl STD for specific weight
Repeatability: 0.05 to 0.15 STD for %mc
Measurement Range: 1 to 35% mc dependant on application
Operating Environment: 0 to 55 °C
Dimensions: 325mm x 164mm x 120 mm
Weight: 2.2 kg
Power Supply: 4 x C size 1.5V Alkaline Batteries
Sample Cell: 290ml Volume, 20 – 240g
Printer Output: RS232C, 300 or 4800 baud
Processor: Intel 8DC31 microprocessor
Memory: 35K EPROM, 32K RAM
About Sinar MCal software optional extra
The MCal software gives users of Sinar desktop moisture meters the power to update, check and change their calibration settings using a Microsoft Windows PC or laptop. MCal subscribers are sent a calibration kit that provides everything they need including a digital balance, thermometer and a certified calibration sample which is renewed every 6 months.
Using the software couldn’t be easier, on screen prompts with clear colour photographs detail every step of the process allowing a calibration check to become a daily occurrence rather than returning the machine every year and having to make do without it. The software also allows ACCS compliant calibration certificates to be printed. The confidence these checks provide is invaluable, especially when drying grain where precise moisture control translates directly into profit.
The other outstanding feature of the MCal system is that the latest crop calibration data is emailed out to subscribers as and when it becomes available, a process that continually keeps MCal subscribers up to date maintaining Sinar Technology’s high standards.
Kit contents: PC to instrument cable, installation CD, 1 year licence, 2 x 240 g calibration samples (dispatched every 6 months in February and August), digital balance, digital thermometer
Why should I purchase a Sinar AP6070 rather than a Wile 200?
Sinar have set the UK on-farm standard for Whole Grain Moisture Meters. They are extremely thorough in updating their Moisture Calibrations.