Grain Moisture Meters

Unimeter /Wile 78 Servicing

Unimeter /Wile 78 Servicing
Unimeter /Wile 78 Servicing Unimeter /Wile 78 Servicing Unimeter /Wile 78 Servicing

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Unimeter /Wile 78 Servicing

Please call us on 01452 741112 to enquire
If you have a Unimeter Digital Grinding Moisture Meter or Wile 78 moisture meter that needs servicing then please download our Service Request form below and include with the Unimeter to be sent back to us.
Please complete and enclose the form below when sending your meter for service.

Download the Unimeter/Wile 78 Service Request Form (PDF, 101KB - opens in new window)

The standard service charge is £96 +VAT (inc. Return Carriage - UK Mainland).

If any additional work is required during the service we will contact you
Download the Unimeter Service Request Form (PDF, 101KB - opens in new window)
Do get in touch with us if you would like us to help you or if you have any questions about our services and products.

Call us on 01452 741 112 or email

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