Farmers need to have completed their Grants Purchases (Paid & Received) for their desired products by 10th January 2025 Please do call us for any advice.
151mm spigot, single phase (up to 1000CFM) 1.5Hp. 1.1Kw.
Standard to fit 150mm top pipe.
Single phase only.
How many fans do I need?
The following is a rough guide only - the number of fans depends on outside Temperatures, Weather conditions & part of the country
VBW7 - one fan per 250t of stored crop VBW8 - one fan per 250-300t of stored crop VBW9 - one fan per 400-450t of stored crop Evolution - one fan per 250-300t of stored crop
Do get in touch with us if you would like us to help you or if you have any questions about our services and products.